Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Analysis of fonts and transitions of Shutter Island

Shutter Island
At the beginning, the titles are red, this could symbolise death in the film, which gives the audience a sense of what the film might be about. The titles are also very distorted, which gives a real sense of the genre of the film, as it creates a tense atmosphere. The titles also flicker at the beginning, this is really effective as it gives an eerie feeling and an un-comfortable kind of feeling for the audience to watch. The transitions at the beginning are simple fade in and fade outs, although basic, they are really effective because it creates a tense feeling, also because the transitions are quite slow, this adds to the tension. The titles then change to white, this could signify the  purity or goodness of a character, who may end up in a bad position in the film. The transitions vary in the second half of the titles, zoomed in objects are used to get to the next shot, this is effective, as it makes it more interesting for the audience to watch. Nearer the end of the opening titles, the transitions slow down slightly, this makes the audience believe something is about to happen, this then causes tension for the audience. When the actors/actresses names show up, the font is bold and white, this is so that they really stand out. The transition of the names is also very interesting, this is because, the letters disappear one by one, which adds effect. Towards the end of the titles, the music gets slower and more tense, the transitions themselves flow with the music, and a shot changes when a distinctive beat is heard. The transitions are very dramatic at the end of the titles, which gives the audience the impression that the film is about to begin. 

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