At the beginning, the titles start of white and look quite plain, then suddenly they become blurry and distorted and begin to shake, this is really effective as it really fits in with the music playing over the top, and also relates to the type of film, which is quite eerie and spooky. The transitions at the beginning are simple flash in and flash out, although a basic technique, it is really effective as it fits in with the fast paced music and adds the effect of tension. The titles develop a little throughout the opening titles sequence, the letters become different thicknesses and they are slanted and much more distorted. This is effective as it gives the audience the sense that something is about to happen, as the titles are becoming more and more distorted. The transitions between shots become much quicker and sharper, this is because the pace of the music is increasing, this adds effect, because every time a distinctive beat is heard, the shot changes, this is good as it creates tension for the audience.When the names of the actors/actresses appear, the letters are in lower case, this is effective as the words look quite sinister, and because they are in lower case, it is challenging the normal set out of the names. The titles have a very electric feel, for example, they flash on and off the screen, like lighting, this is really effective, as it gives the idea of danger and fear. Most of the titles are very slanted and roughly positioned on the screen, this is really effective because, it shows that the film is going to be of a gothic convention.A lot of the shots are of images or of a zoomed action taking place, for example there is a zoomed image of someone writing, this shot is then overlapped which adds a lot of effect to the shot, as it makes it more sinister looking. A lot of the images relate to the film, such as texts relating to murder and images of women. I really like these opening titles because they are really intriguing and develop alongside the music, which makes it interesting to watch. I also like how they have used different effects to make certain letters and words stand out, for example, they made some words brighter or bolder than others.